NCOA 2016 NCARRB Pay Submission


Within this year’s submission the NCOA have demonstrated that Recruitment, Retention and Morale are the major factors that need to be addressed.

It is unacceptable to believe that the NCA ‘name alone’ will attract sufficient credible applicants, but moreover, be capable of retaining them.


1.    The NCA generic recruitment Grades 5 and 6 Minimum scales are uplifted between 4%-5%.

2.    The above increase should be applied before any 2016 award so as to prevent leapfrogging of existing staff.

3.    The Scale maximum should be uplifted by the value of the 2016 award to ensure that all staff benefit from a pensionable increase.

4.    A minimum of 1% increase is applied to the base pay of all staff grades 1 – grade 6.

5.    The current Grade Minimum – Target Minimum – Target Mid – Target Maximum – Maximum is discontinued and replaced with a flat rate Scale Minimum – Scale Maximum.

6.    A commitment to a 2016 review of pay progression with a view to rewarding a realistic and achievable, scale progression.

7.    A consolidated Northern Ireland Transitional Allowance of no less than £3,132 be awarded to all NCA staff based in Belfast.

8.    No change to 12.5% 24/7 payment but a non-consolidated increase of between 2.5% - 5.5% to reflect the additional frequency required to perform their role

9.    Formalise the non-consolidated payment of no less than £2,400 per year to staff identified as working in the arena of anti-social hours short of 24/7.

The NCOA looks forward to its oral delivery to the NCARRB panel in three months.

For the full summary of this innovative and tailor-made submission, reflecting all of your pay concerns, click here.

Simon Bashford

NCOA National Secretary