NCARRB Oral Evidence


Dear Members,

Last week the NCOA Chair – Nick Edwards and I gave oral evidence to the NCA Remuneration Review Body (NCARRB).

With the publication of the NCA’s written submission still outstanding, the focus of our oral evidence session was the NCOA’s own written submission. The NCARRB panel took particular interest in the failure of the Agency to deliver on the promised £1500 non-consolidated cost of living payment, especially as earlier commitments made by the Agency were that this payment was separate to the 2023/24 pay award.

I have made a provisional arrangement with the NCARRB for a further oral evidence session next week. In the hope (maybe vain hope) that the Agency has published its own submission by then and the pay award could be made in December, if all parties were committed to delivering this.

The NCOA are now in the process of arranging a series of workplace NCOA member meetings to discuss the current situation and galvanise your support for a coordinated withdrawal of goodwill. Please contact your local workplace representatives for further information. The details of NCOA workplace reps is on the NCA intranet and in the latest edition of Under Cover.

NCOA NCARRB written evidence remains available at :


Steve Bond

National Officer, NCOA