Closure of Op Stovewood


Dear Members,

The NCA Board have explained the rationale for the closure of Op Stovewood by April 2027. The NCOA are now having regular meetings with the Agency to ensure that our members are supported during both the physical moves owing to the closing of some sites, and the redeployment of officers during the next 3 years.

With the closure of Renaissance House later this year, the Agency will shortly start a process of 1-2-1 meetings between officers and their managers. This will enable officers to discuss their personal circumstances which are impacted by this move. It is likely that for most of our members, the impact of the move will be manageable, especially now that hybrid working is embedded in the Agency.

We recognise that there will be some NCOA members whose personal circumstances mean that a move to the Northwest Hub is impractical. If you require specific support, please contact Andy Myers at


Steve Bond

National Officer, NCOA